Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Mechanical Engineering Branch's Maiden Industrial-Visit

Students of the newly created Mechanical Engineering branch in AITS recently got to experience an industrial manufacturing shop-floor during their first Industrial-Visit, which was held on 24th October 2009. As is his wont, Prof. Ashok Malhotra, the very experienced Director of AITS, thought of ensuring that the curiosity of fresh students is ignited by exposing them to new experiences by organizing an industrial visit in the first year itself, instead of waiting till they are in the third year as was the practice till now. Accordingly, twenty bright, energetic minds set out to explore the real world under the supervision of three faculty members of the Mechanical Engineering Branch, namely Ms. Renu Bisht, Mr. Sumit Prasad and Mr. Ashish Saxena.

Their goal was to learn about shop-floor production at the manufacturing facility of Ms. Neel Metal Pvt. Ltd. (NMPL), which is part of the Jai Bharat Maruti Ltd. (JBM), located in the S. I. D. C. U. L. industrial estate at Pantnagar, Rudrapur. NMPL-9, established in 2006 at the Bajaj Vendors Park, manufactures pipes which go into the vehicles manufactured by Maruti and Honda. JBM was established as joint venture of Maruti Udhyog Ltd. and has plants all over India. It is surrounded by Minda on the left, sister concern Thai Summit Neel Auto at the back and High Technology Transmission System, a sister concern of Endurance Pvt. Ltd, on the right. In front of it are many other industries, including Lumax DK, Micro Turners and Suprajit Auto Ltd. Its basic products are steel tubes and are established as second tube industry of JBM group. And its expansion has included TATA Motors, M&M Pantnagar and Haridwar, MSIL Gurgaon in its major list of customers and soon it will be manufacturing for Ashoka Leyland and NMPL-9 has also expanded its product horizon from steel tubes to welded components and steel blanks and has regular supply of them. Its major product steel tube is supplied as ERW and CDW tubes both varies in the method of preparation and physical properties, the properties of CDW tubes is superior and is inherited from ERW tubes. The plant was established with installed capacity of 1250 MT of ERW and 500 MT CDW tubes per month. Now a blanking line with capacity of 2500 MT per month is installed lately. The current turnover of NMPL-9 plant is approx. Rs. 7cr per month and is linearly increasing.

The students returned from this visit ecstatic with the experience and brimming with queries and new ideas. These student feelings will surely reflect in the reports that they shall be submitting at semester-end. AITS is firmly committed to ensuring replication of this effort by organizing more such visits for all students across branches.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

AITS Student gets International Scholarship

We congratulate Kalpana Rana, a student of B. Tech. Semester III (CSE) has received a scholarship from USA based Foundation for Excellence, which has been setup by a group of NRIs. This scholarship is awarded to those Indian students from various fields of Technical Education who are exceptionally meritorious or belong to financially challenged families.

The Coordinator for the scholarship programme of Foundation for Excellence for the state of Uttarakhand is through Prof. (Retd.) H. D. Bisht, formerly of with IIT – Kanpur and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, who is presently associated with the Amrapali Group of Institutes as Professor Emeritus.

Eligible students who are interested in this scholarship need to apply during July-August every year, through the AITS office. This is especially important since the initial application can only be made by students studying in the first year of their course. Kalpana has been awarded this prestigious annual scholarship, of Rs. 25,000/-, for the second year in a row on account of her excellent performance. We wish her well in all her endeavours!

Sunday, 18 October 2009

AITS celebrated its Foundation Day

AITS celebrated its Foundation Day on 10th of October 2009 with great fanfare. Since the present 4th year batch is the first Final-year batch in AITS, its students were particularly enthusiastic about making the most of this opportunity to enjoy their last year in the Institute. Accordingly, they galvanized the entire AITS student fraternity and put up a remarkable show which lasted for over six hours without any hiccup. The programme was inaugurated by the Secretary and Chief Administrator of Amrapali Institute at 10 in the morning, as scheduled, with the traditional lighting-of-the-lamp ceremony conducted by the Director, AITS. This was followed by a sonorous rendition of Saraswati Vandana by AITS students, which set the mood for a day of enjoyment for all faculty members and students of AITS.

Now was the time for all members of the AITS family to let their hair down and exhibit their creative skills, which was participated in enthusiastically by many of the faculty members present.

The entire programme was interspread with distribution of mementos of faculty members. Mementos were accompanied by naming of the concerned faculty members, creatively thought of the students. These titles were cause of much merriment and mutual joking amongst faculty members

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Identifying the Research Basis for Sustainable Development of the Kumaun Region
15 – 16, January, 2010

Amrapali Institute of Technology & Sciences, HALDWANI

The mountain regions of the Uttarakhand are a unique natural treasure of great beauty and ecological value, and home of the headwaters of major rivers. They constitute a major ecological, economic, cultural, recreational and living environment in INDIA, shared by numerous peoples. The mountain regions are an important reservoir for biodiversity, and India's refuge for large mammals – bear, elephant, wolf, tiger, deer, etc plus many unique insect and plant species. There are a number of protected areas (national parks, nature parks, reserves and monuments of historical importance in the region).

From a socio-economic point of view, mountain regions are observed to be some of the poorest areas in India. There is a need to develop successful economic practices and activities based on the potential of mountain regions that do not lead to depletion of natural treasures and beauty of the region. The real opportunity is to set measures for the development of the regions. The idea for the present conference developed as a result of a similar conference being held in Europe.

For more information
Jeetendra Pande
Organizing Secretary
Amrapali Institute of Technology & Sciences,
Siksha Nagar, Lamachaur,
E-Mail: aits.nainital@gmail.com

URL:- http://sites.google.com/site/aitsconference/

More details about the conference will be posted soon.

Invitation - Late Smt. Kamla Dhingra Memorial Meet 2009

Since the last seven years Amrapali Institutes have been celebrating the Late. Smt. Kamla Dhingra Memorial Meet - a platform where budding professionals from different institutes come together to demonstrate and enhance their competitive skills in a spirit of friendship. This year's meet is scheduled for the 24th of October 2009.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Vishwakarma Pooja at AITS

India has always been a culture of multiple Gods, who have coexisted peacefully in the minds of the adherents of its many religions and faiths since eternity. The Hindus although monotheistic believe that the one eternal God of the universe can take many forms. Vishwakarma Puja, dedicated to Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect of the universe according to Hindu scriptures, is one such celebration. He is also called the divine carpenter and is mentioned in the Rig Veda and is credited with Sthapatya Veda, the science of mechanics and architecture.

This festival acknowledges the importance of workmen and mechanical workers to the society. Artisans, craftsmen, mechanics, smiths, welders, industrial workers, factory workers and workers of all kind worship Lord Vishwakarma on this day and pray for a better future, safe working conditions and above all, success in their respective fields. Workers also pray for the smooth functioning of various machines, hence it is a major annual occasion for engineers also.

This year too Vishwakarma Puja, which fell on 17th September, was celebrated with gusto in the Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences. The puja was headed by the Director - AITS, Prof. Ashok Malhotra who explained to all the faculty and staff members present the significance of the occasion, especially to engineers. The celebration ended with distribution of prasad to all.

Amrapali Students in France

The Amrapali Institute goes International . This year Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences saw its 4 students namely Himank Pande , Kuldeep Singh Bhakuni , Lava Nautiyal , Kamal Joshi set out for their summer training in Polytech Nantes( Ecole polytechnique de l’universite de Nantes ) under the collaboration between Polytech Nantes and Amrapali Institute. This was a milestone achieved by the college as it was the first time that the Exchange Programme saw an Indian exposure to the West. It was indeed a fruitful trip for all the 4 students as it helped them increase their technical know how and get equipped with the ways of the Western World.

French Students' Internship at Amrapali

August 2009 saw completion of the annual internship programme of Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences. As during last year, a group of engineering students from France spent their summer at AITS and successfully completed projects in the field of Computer Science which had been assigned to them.

The six guest French students from Enseeiht institute, Toulouse, France, Cheik, Peirre, Ettine, Yve , Thibhaut and Erich, thoroughly enjoyed their stay and were particularly impressed with this opportunity to be close to the mighty Himalayas and get familiar with the renowned Indian culture. Students of AITS also got an opportunity of becoming aware of international trends in higher education. A group of four students of B. Tech. Year IV of AITS also underwent a similar internship at Polytech NantesInstitute in France during the current year’s summer vacation.

AITS’ foreign exchange programme, now two years old, is set for expansion with more tie-ups with foreign educational institutions under process. The programme has been so designed that students are given the option of choosing from a diverse range of projects encompassing various areas of technology. The intent behind such programmes is to provide students pursuing a professional qualification at AITS to have an opportunity of improving their employability by attaching a foreign tag to their qualification. The value added by this effort is expected to be not only be by way of greater technical expertise but also enhanced emotional versatility, thus making the students concerned better professionals capable of managing workforce from different cultures.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Format for Project reports and Thesis

The required format for thesis and project reports is posted here. Click on the title it is a hot link

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

A Party for New Students

Abhinandan, the annual occasion held to welcome new students into the Amrapali family, is a much awaited event in the calendar of Amrapali Institute. Current academic year’s Abhinandan, celebrated on 28th August 2009, was preceded by hectic preparations by students of all the constituent Institutes of the Amrapali family.

The programme started with seeking the blessings of Ma Saraswati, followed by lighting of customary lamps by the Chief Guest Prof. Sanjay Dhingra, CEO - Amrapali Institute, Mr. Narendra Dhingra, Secretary – Amrapali Instiute, Prof. Ashok Malhotra, Director – Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences and Col. R. C. Bhandari, Chief Administrator – Amrapali Institute.

The enthusiastic participation of all students – fresh and old alike – complemented by guidance and support of members of the faculty and staff of Amrapali Institute, resulted in stunning performances which were appreciated by all present. Freshers, in particular, were overwhelmed by the warmth and the sense of celebration on display at the function.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

About AITS

Adjacent to the world-renowned Corbett Tiger Reserve, nestled in the lap of the mighty Himalayas, lies Kumaun’s premier engineering education institution, the Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS). Located on the outskirts of Kumaun’s financial capital, Haldwani, it is distant enough from the urban crowd to provide students a peaceful environment that is conducive to study yet close enough for them to access the benefits of the urban infrastructure. The primary reason for creation of the state of Uttarakhand, around a decade ago, was the vocal expression of discontent by the local population, which felt that it was not benefiting from nation’s general growth and development. Amrapali Group of Institutions, which came into being at around the same time, was an attempt to address this general complaint in the field of higher education. Over the last decade, this region has experienced growth and economic prosperity, as evidenced by coming up of a very large industrial estate near the neighbouring town of Rudrapur. With this economic growth there was felt a genuine need for larger number of technically trained professionals. To satisfy this requirement, Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences was set up.

In less than three years of the Institute’s existence, it is well on the way to fulfilling the expectations with which it was set up. The recent coming on board of Prof. Ashok Malhotra, an alumnus of IIT-Delhi with a Doctorate from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada, as the Director of the institute has added additional lustre to the gem that AITS has become in a short duration. With his vast international exposure and experience as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at IIT-Delhi, UBC and the University of Mosul in Iraq, Prof. Malhotra has carved a niche for himself universally as an educator. Having published over fifty technical works in reputed international journals, he is the recipient of numerous national and international awards including the Leading International Educator of the World and the Eminent Citizen of India awards. The Institute’s principal statistics are:
Current streams of study:
1. B. Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering
2. B. Tech. - Information Technology
3. B. Tech. - Electronics & Communication Engineering
4. B. Tech. - Electronics & Electrical Engineering
5. B. Tech. - Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
6. B. Tech. - Mechanical Engineering

AITS has a rich and experienced faculty base, drawn from premier educational institutions, universities and industry, to provide its students the right blend of theory and practical knowledge for meeting the challenges of professional life. The SHM department, which provides teaching support to AITS in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanics, Environmental Studies and Communication skills, comprises 13 faculty members of whom five are Ph. D. holders while another three are pursuing Ph. D. The remaining faculty members are also steadfastly involved in improving their professional qualifications and expertise.

AITS’ students are provided with opportunities to develop all aspects of their personality by having access to various facilities for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Apart from improvement in the realm of academics, the intent is to make the students’ personalities multi-faceted. These facilities include, among others:
Computer Society of India Chapter
Indian Society for Technical Education Chapter
Robotics society
TARANG ~ The annual Technology Seminar
Language Lab
Eco Club

Additionally, AITS’ students also benefit from their alma mater being part of the larger Amrapali Group of Institutions by having access to the following facilities:
MANTHAN ~ The annual Management seminar
SPANDAN ~ The annual Cultural festival
Kamala Devi Memorial Meet ~ The annual inter-institute students meet
National Service Scheme

Despite its as yet short stint, Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences’ students and faculty members have excelled in their respective areas at on numerous occasions at many places. Thus, AITS’ students have won accolades .
To enhance students’ employability, especially in the current scenario of economic downturn, AITS has a long standing commitment of imparting additional skills to its students and incorporating novel features in its academic offerings. One way in which this is achieved is by making available for students’ use a full-fledged Language Laboratory having a 40 computer Local Area Network and an excellent computer programme to assist user students in improving their Communication skills. The Robotics Society, started recently, provides AITS’ students with an avenue for honing their analytical and assembly skills and has won many accolades since its inception, namely at Graphic Era University, Dehradun; College of Engineering, Roorkee and at the Roboveda event held at Hyderabad. A recent feather in AITS’ cap has been setting up of an Environment Science Studio through which students are being encouraged to carryout activities related to Environmental Science.

To ensure that students are exposed to improved utilisation of their areas of study and best industry practices, AITS has entered into many agreements with leading national and international companies like CISCO, HCL, Oracle, IBM and Red Hat. These Certification and Training tie-ups are affected through various programmes held over the entire year. Recently, CISCO has set up a dedicated training centre in the Institute itself, the first batch of which shall be completed soon. Oracle is also in the process of setting up a similar training centre in AITS. Another way in which students get a feel of real-life is by visiting various industries and having industry professionals visit the Institute to share their learning and experiences.

Given the quality culture that permeates the organisation, the Amrapali Group of Institutions has an ongoing programme, which upon completion, shall ensure grant of ISO certification. Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences aims to have a robust student-and-faculty exchange programme with foreign educational institutes and universities to enable it to offer broad-based education to its students, which is especially relevant in the fast changing times that we live in. Accordingly, it has started the process of negotiating with foreign educational institutions for tie-ups and, in fact, has signed Memoranda of Understanding with two of them, viz. Politechnique Nantes, France and Gannon University, USA. Our students have already played host to a group of engineering students from the French institution last year during their training in our Institute. A group of AITS students is scheduled to visit the French Institution during the forth-coming summer break in 2009.

Placement support is provided centrally to students of all the constituents of the Amrapali Group of Institutions through the Training and Placement Department. The department takes keen interest in regularly providing placement related orientation and guidance to students in multiple ways, e.g. by conducting mock Interviews, Group Discussions etc. The success of this intensive strategy is evidenced by the fact that students of its first batch have already started getting job offers, even while they are in the third year.

Fully cognizant of the criticality of grooming and developing its academic assets, Amrapali Group of Institutions has an active Faculty Development Cell that ensures that AITS’ faculty members get enough opportunities for academic development through participation in conferences, seminars and workshops organised in the state and the country.

Seminar on Ethical Hacking and Information Security

Seminar on Ethical Hacking and Information Security

The biggest global economic downturn since the Great Depression, which has seen many of the largest economies go into officially declared recession, has forced everyone to start thinking of ways of handling the current dire conditions and professionals – including budding professionals like students studying to become Engineers, MBAs, Chartered Accountants etc. – are no exception.

Amrapali Institute has always stressed on providing opportunities for its students and faculty members to enhance their skill-sets and knowledge base beyond the confines of syllabi, since this is crucial in this rapidly evolving modern age. In line with this policy, a workshop on ‘Ethical Hacking and Information Security’ was held in Amrapali Institute on 25th and 26th August 2009. The workshop was jointly organised by Kyrion Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Techniche, the alumni association of IIT – Guwahati. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Sangeet Chopra and Mr. Tejendra Kalshi of Kyrion Technologies who explained that the workshop has been designed to ensure that participants become aware of the latest trends in the concerned area.

Inaugurating the workshop, Director of Amrapali Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Prof. Ashok Malhotra, drawing on his extensive national and international experience, said that technical knowledge – especially in the field of Information Technology – has been growing and evolving at an unprecedented rate. To move with the times, therefore, he advised computer professionals to constantly enhance their knowledge and skills. He hoped that all the participant, consisting of students and faculty members of B. Tech. and MCA courses of Amrapali Institute, would make the most of this excellent opportunity for self development.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

The AITS Staff Party

On the evening of third September the staff and Faculty members of AITS gathered at the fabulous Vatika Restaurant for a garden party. The party was hosted by twelve faculty members who have recently been promoted


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